I was working as an interior designer under my husbands LLC for about 4 years and I felt a prompting to establish a name for myself as an avenue to be able to give and also i wanted to create a name for myself and my passions. I had been praying that the Lord would really show me His path and direct me through this course. I had no idea where to even begin, but as the Lord promises, if we trust in Him, He will direct our paths and make the way clear. The light began shinning through one night while I was attending a Fields of Faith event here in my community, Warner Robins, GA, I felt a prompting to establish a company that would give ALL of our proceeds away to help others. After the event I was talking with my “rock” Wendy, I was sharing the desire and she advised me that if we give it all away, then we are not actually helping others understand the value of hard work, we are just enabling them to remain in the comfortable state of complacency. She advised me to set up a program that gave scholarships to people and partner with them mentoring them on their journey through life. At the time I had no idea the who’s or the how’s of making this happen, I just knew it made sense, and that I wanted to make society a better place, not enable others.
I am a very deep thinker and have a healthy relationship of seeking and studying God’s word so that I can understand clearly His promises to me. I remember very clearly while I was folding laundry one night the Lord spoke to me in a deep and real way. My thoughts went something like this, Mitzi you will have 2 dates on your head stone one day, the date you were born, and the date you will die, and that is great, but what really matters is “the dash”, what will you do with your dash? I knew that my dash was my Legacy and I was SO FOCUSED in on that thought, that I said, MY DASH is going to be filled with AMAZING and AWESOME stuff, because you are awesome, God!!! I felt these 2 questions continuously arising in my spirit, " What Legacy will you leave, and What is in that matters to you." I remember thinking Lord loving broken people is will be my legacy and eternity is what matters, and I am willing to accept your will Lord, so here I am, what next???? The Lord said, just trust me….(i knew in that moment that my dash was my “Legacy”). After a few weeks of asking God what does He want me to do, where do I go from here with this Legacy, this desire, and this calling. An opportunity arose within a new design realm for me. My husband asked me if I wanted to create and design a Legacy Handbag and accessories line. Since, the Lord equipped me with an I can do anything mentality, I said, “Of Course”. I can do that! I had 3 designs in his hand within 2 days. The Lord united my husband Ken’s heart with mine by establishing our purpose for giving is to mentor with local middle school and high school kids and through that mentorship establish a scholarship program for the kids to be able to go serve others around the world. So not only are we pouring into the lives of our own children, but we are also sharing the love of Jesus with others around the world. Right now, February 2016, we are currently working with about 175 kids in our local community.
You see I am just a simple girl with a HUGE heart and passion for people. Legacy is in the business of people, life change, and Jesus, only we are disguised as a leather company. The Lord has given me some crazy BIG dreams and desires, but the cool part about God is that He is a BIG God. He created us and prepared His works for us in advance, and I am just willing and crazy enough to accept and believe His promises over my life. I LOVE MY JOURNEY, the good, the bad and the ugly, it has made me who I am today. It has not been an easy journey at all, but I know that God chooses the strongest warriors for the hardest battles, and I KNOW that all i have to do is rest in who God is. He is a Good, Good, Father and He loves us SO MUCH!!!
I can assure you that my dash will be full of HIS FAITHFULNESS, and all who know me will know LOVE, because my God is LOVE and He is driving this heart to beat within the crevices of this body of mine, and as long as my life has breath I will face each day with His story on my heart, ready and willing to give an account of why I do what I do. I GIVE, because HE GAVE…..John 3:16
Enjoying The Journey,
Mitzi Galason
CEO/Designer of Legacy Design Group LLC
I am a very deep thinker and have a healthy relationship of seeking and studying God’s word so that I can understand clearly His promises to me. I remember very clearly while I was folding laundry one night the Lord spoke to me in a deep and real way. My thoughts went something like this, Mitzi you will have 2 dates on your head stone one day, the date you were born, and the date you will die, and that is great, but what really matters is “the dash”, what will you do with your dash? I knew that my dash was my Legacy and I was SO FOCUSED in on that thought, that I said, MY DASH is going to be filled with AMAZING and AWESOME stuff, because you are awesome, God!!! I felt these 2 questions continuously arising in my spirit, " What Legacy will you leave, and What is in that matters to you." I remember thinking Lord loving broken people is will be my legacy and eternity is what matters, and I am willing to accept your will Lord, so here I am, what next???? The Lord said, just trust me….(i knew in that moment that my dash was my “Legacy”). After a few weeks of asking God what does He want me to do, where do I go from here with this Legacy, this desire, and this calling. An opportunity arose within a new design realm for me. My husband asked me if I wanted to create and design a Legacy Handbag and accessories line. Since, the Lord equipped me with an I can do anything mentality, I said, “Of Course”. I can do that! I had 3 designs in his hand within 2 days. The Lord united my husband Ken’s heart with mine by establishing our purpose for giving is to mentor with local middle school and high school kids and through that mentorship establish a scholarship program for the kids to be able to go serve others around the world. So not only are we pouring into the lives of our own children, but we are also sharing the love of Jesus with others around the world. Right now, February 2016, we are currently working with about 175 kids in our local community.
You see I am just a simple girl with a HUGE heart and passion for people. Legacy is in the business of people, life change, and Jesus, only we are disguised as a leather company. The Lord has given me some crazy BIG dreams and desires, but the cool part about God is that He is a BIG God. He created us and prepared His works for us in advance, and I am just willing and crazy enough to accept and believe His promises over my life. I LOVE MY JOURNEY, the good, the bad and the ugly, it has made me who I am today. It has not been an easy journey at all, but I know that God chooses the strongest warriors for the hardest battles, and I KNOW that all i have to do is rest in who God is. He is a Good, Good, Father and He loves us SO MUCH!!!
I can assure you that my dash will be full of HIS FAITHFULNESS, and all who know me will know LOVE, because my God is LOVE and He is driving this heart to beat within the crevices of this body of mine, and as long as my life has breath I will face each day with His story on my heart, ready and willing to give an account of why I do what I do. I GIVE, because HE GAVE…..John 3:16
Enjoying The Journey,
Mitzi Galason
CEO/Designer of Legacy Design Group LLC